Boy Jonkergouw producties
Boy Jonkergouw performed, produced, directed and wrote dozens of productions in the last 25 years. In this archive you will find some of which he is most proud, just to get an idea of the impact he has made till now.

Here I breathe freely
Here I breathe freely 2023 For the Tilburg Institute for Musical theatre Boy wrote and directed in 2024 a large-scale musical theatre production about the

Horror Vacui
Horror Vacui Theatre group Misfit – 2012-2014 Assigned by the Reinier van Arkel Mental health care institute, Boy Jonkergouw made two productions with people suffering

Final show Bosch Parade
Final show Bosch Parade 2014 For the Bosch Parade, a Dutch art parade on the water, inspired by the famous medieval painter Hiëronymus Bosch, Boy

Vol is Vol
Vol is Vol 2016 For the grand opening of the Tilburg Cultuurnacht 2016, Boy Jonkergouw organized the ‘full is full dinnershow,’ a clear ironic hint

Eyes wide open
Eyes Wide Open Met open ogen 2017 ‘I never dared to admit that I might have PTSD, because I didn’t want to be a pussy,